Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stop Playing the Weight Loss Game

You cannot outsmart your metabolism. Eat less and you burn less fat, exercise more and you will become more hungry. Cut back on your sleep and watch your cravings escalate. The weight loss world has tricked you into believing it is possible to win a battle of wills against your own physiology. The metabolism will always win. This is why research shows 2/3 of those playing the weight loss game end up fatter 2 years later than they were before the diet. To escape the weight loss trap you need an approach that works with, not against your physiology. That means eating more of the right things more often and exercising in a way that does not result in compensatory eating. Stop playing the weight loss game!

Fat Loss Insights

1) Excessive cardio may work for some, but it is not the most efficient way to burn fat. It burns fat and muscle and makes you hungry= not an efficient strategy for fat loss.
2) Nutrition not exercise will be what delivers the result. The idea is to use exercise to maintain muscle and proper diet to burn the fat.
3) Doing weight training that is fast paced and rest-based will give you both the muscle building stimulus and fat burning effect and saves on time
4) There is no magic supplement you need or that will make it so you don't need to change your diet
5) What is your stress reducing strategy? Leisure walking can be done without limit and does not make you hungry and lowers stress hormone production. If you must do cardio, do this.
6) If you are not ready to make a meaningful, consistent change to the way you approach food then you simply will not be successful period.
7) If you are still counting calories as your primary method of body change, that is likely your problem right there.