Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Fitness Tip

Change your fitness routine every 4-6 weeks to prevent a workout plateau.  Try adding a new workoout to avoid boredom. Try to add new exercise to your workout to keep your muscles guessing.

Get a program that will best suit you. Everyone is different. If you hate to run, don’t run. If you can’t stand yoga, don’t do it. Do what you enjoy and what works for you.

Set realistic goals. Make sure that your goals and the time frame are achievable and realistic.

Work on those muscles.  Cardio is great and a necessity as well but many avoid working their muscles.  Adding resistance training will increase your metabolism.  Increasing your metabolism will help your burn more calories. Ladie, you will not bulk up and look like the HULK!  Do it!

Be consistent. Consistency and frequency is key.  Take it slow and consistently adding to your workout program.

Variety. Every exercise program should have variety. You can change your workouts & goals to keep you motivated and on the go. Doing this will help you prevent being bored and losing energy physically and mentally.

Be Motivated! Renew that motivation daily.  Most importantly, don't quit!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Best Diet (or “Way of Eating”) For YOU is The One You Can Stick to

There is a lot of debate about the different diets.

There are the paleo folks, the low-carbers, the vegans, the balanced diet folks and everything in between.
But the truth is… all of these approaches can work.
The problem is not which diet (or way of eating) is “best,” the key is finding something that is sustainable for each individual.
Losing weight and improving health is a marathon, not a race.
What matters in the long run is finding something that is healthy, that you like and can live with for the rest of your life.
You really are what you eat!

Exercise is important to include into your lifestyle and will help to achieve the body that you desire. However, if you don't fill your body with nourishing foods, you are likely to find it difficult to reach those results!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sit-ups, crunches and planks will not cause your muffin top to disappear. But a drop in overall body fat will do that for you.
So you want the secret to great abs? The secret is a winning combination of fat burning cardio, resistance training and clean eating.